Address: 17, Bostan El Geish Street

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With more than 50 years of experience in the field of education, Saint Fatima School in Abbassia is one of the leading educational institutions in Egypt.


Saint Fatima Language Schools Admission

Saint Fatima Language Schools are language schools for both boys and girls. The school has Baby Class _ , _Kindergarten, primary education and secondary education. The school pays a great attention for teaching *English Skills. Thus, the school assigns some sessions to *Oral Classes. * Also, students study math and science. Because of the importance of French, the school starts teaching it from first primary.

As for computer skills,the school is keen on providing the students with the language of all times starting from the early ages aside from the computer subject given to upper primary stages. The school cares deeply about all types of artistic, sports and recreational activities, such as theater to build an integrated personality and various educational Montessori activities. Besides, the school encourages the students to challenge themselves and join competitions in different fields.

Rules of Application

  • Rules of Applying for KG1
  • The School accepts children who are applying for KG1 according to the following system:
  • The first of October of every year is considered as the beginning of the school year, according to which the child's age is calculated.
  • The minimum age is 4 years on the first of October.

Required Documents

  • - A computerized child's birth certificate (an original one and a copy).
  • - Both mother's and father's IDs (copy of each).
  • - Both parents' academic qualification certificates - high academic qualification (a copy of each).
  • - 8 photos for the student.
  • - Regarding non Egyptians, they should bring a certificate signed from the educational administration as well as a valid residence permit.

Application Procedures

  • - First, parents should fill in the online application form using this link:
  • Online Form
  • - While filling in the online form, each parent will choose an appointment for the interview.
  • - On the assigned day, parents should accompany their children for the interview bringing all the required documents.
  • - The interview will be held with some teachers, the school principal and the vice principal for both parents and their children.
  • - After the meeting and the acceptance of the application , parents should go to the Students Affairs office to fill in the fully detailed application and take the application number as well as the date of applying it.
  • - The children's ages will be arranged in a descending order on the computer.
  • Acceptance Rules
  • After declaring the arrangement results, the School will send a confirmation message to the accepted children via WhatsApp. Hence, parents should check their WhatsApp messages on a regular basis. Parents of the accepted children have to pay the fees within three days after the result is declared.

    Payment is made at Banque du Caire on an account number 355010048959. The fees receipt should be submitted at the Students Affairs office everyday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. except for Fridays and Saturdays. In case of not paying the fees on time, the school will accept another child according to the previous rules.

    Transfer Procedures and Acceptance:

    • - Parents should fill in the online transfer form using this link:
    • Online Form
    • - The student should be transferred from an experimental school or a language one. While filling in the form, parents should choose an appointment for the interview and the tests. On the assigned day, the student should come to school with his /her parents for an interview and to take three tests in the main three subjects: Arabic, English and math.
    • - Parents should bring the following documents:
    • - Both mother's and father's IDs (a copy of each).
    • - Both parents' academic qualification certificates.
    • - High academic qualification (a copy of each).
    • - A computerized birth certificate for the learner (an original one and a copy) to calculate the appropriate age for the academic stage he/she is transferred to.
    • - If the student is coming from abroad, parents must bring a certificate approved by the embassy to which the student belongs. Meanwhile, parents should go to the Students Affairs office to fill in an application for the student.
    • - The School will send a confirmation message, via WhatsApp, to the accepted students. Hence, parents should check their WhatsApp messages on a regular basis. Parents of the accepted children should come to the *Students Affairs* office bringing the documents mentioned before as well as the required ones that follow:
    • - A registration statement stating that the learner was transferred from the previous school and sealed by the previous school administration.
    • - 4 transfer requests stamped by both administrations(that of the previous school and El Waili).
    • - The academic certificate obtained by the learner and approved by the previous school.
    • - 8 photos for the student.
    • - The working hours are everyday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. except for Fridays and Saturdays. Then parents have to pay the fees at Banque du Caire on an account number 355010048959. The fees receipt should be submitted at the Students Affairs office afterwards.
