Address: 17, Bostan El Geish Street

School Vision and Mission

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With more than 50 years of experience in the field of education, Saint Fatima School in Abbassia is one of the leading educational institutions in Egypt.


St.Fatima Language School

Our Vision

  • " To provide an educational environment that involves creativity and prepares good mannered, knowledgeable and patriotic learner. "

Our Mission

  • Promote learner centered education.
  • Use modern, developed technological environment.
  • Support, motivate and develop distinguished and talented learners while giving due care to all learners.
  • Ensure a positive atmosphere of work for both instructors and learners.
  • Improve employees’ professional skills.
  • Promote an effective educational environment that is effective in the surrounding society.
  • Ensure values of love, patriotism and reservation of resources through continuous work.